IND 0 7 3 10 20 IND LEX passing
LEX 14 14 10 24 62 total yards 142 339 Morrow, IND 12/33-133, 2 INT
pass C/A-int 12/33--2 25/32-0 Sauk, LEX 25/32-313, 6 TD
first quarter pass yards 133 313 rushing
LEX 25 pass Sauk to Tuttle rushing 10--9 6--26 Moesly, IND 10-9, 2 TD
LEX 4 run Tuttle fumbles-lost 3--1 1--1 Tuttle, LEX 6-26, 2 TD
second quarter sacks-yards 1--11 2--14 receiving
IND 2 run Moesly returns-yards 11--109 5--62 Johnson, IND 3--29
LEX 25 pass Sauk to Maxwell penalties-yards 6--18 1--3 Thrash, IND 3--19
LEX 19 pass Sauk to Burnstein XP 2/2 8/8 Smith, IND 6--85
third quarter FG 2/5 2/2 Tuttle, LEX 12-144, 2 TD
LEX 32 FG LaTourette Washington, LEX 1--10
IND 39 FG Hickerson Maxwell, LEX 7-120, 3 TD
LEX 32 pass Sauk to Maxwell cap. Burnstein, LEX 5-39, TD
fourth quarter Attendance 16063 18865 sacks
LEX 42 FG LaTourette $ to IND $169,945.40 Walby, IND
IND 39 FG Hickerson $ to LEX $585,456.59 Samuels, LEX 2
LEX 29 pass Sauk to Maxwell interceptions
IND 1 run Moesly LaBreque, LEX
LEX 12 pass Sauk to Tuttle Tuttle, LEX
LEX 4 run Tuttle kicking
Hickerson, IND 2/2, 2/5
LaTourette, LEX 8/8, 2/2