HAM 10 3 0 10 23 HAM IAC passing
IAC 21 17 19 24 81 total yards 185 419 Niel, HAM 11/32-135, TD 3 INT
pass C/A-int 11/32-3 10/12--0 May, IAC 10/12-160, 2 TD
first quarter pass yards 135 160 rushing
IAC 55 kickoff return Brimmer rushing 14-50 41-259 Brookside, HAM 14-50, TD
HAM 47 FG Thime fumbles-lost 1--1 2--0 Stubbs, IAC 33-219, 5 TD
IAC 39 pass May to Brimmer sacks-yards 0 3--18 May, IAC 8-40, TD
HAM 3 run Brookside returns-yards 13-109 7--91 receiving
IAC 28 run Stubbs penalties-yards 2--6 5--17 Fraught, HAM 3--25
second quarter XP 2*2 10*10 McKeaver, HAM 4-60, TD
HAM 48 FG Thime FG 3*6 3*3 Gould, HAM 4--50
IAC 32 pass May to Haris Stubbs, IAC 3--20
IAC 47 interception return Gant Haris, IAC 3-60, TD
IAC 51 FG Kozlowski cap. Kelly, IAC 2--25
third quarter Attendance 14676 15500 Brimmer, IAC 2-55, TD
IAC 4 run Stubbs $ to HAM $177,859.65 sacks
IAC safety sack Skont $ to IAC $633,938.60 Stubbs, IAC 2
IAC 2 run Stubbs Gant, IAC
IAC 41 FG Kozlowski interceptions
fourth quarter Gant, IAC 2 (1 TD)
HAM 34 FG Thime Kelly, IAC
IAC 21 run Stubbs kicking
IAC 14 run Stubbs Thime, HAM 2/2, 3/6
HAM 3 pass Niel to McKeaver Kozlowski, IAC 10/10, 3/3
IAC 3 run May
IAC 25 FG Kozlowski