RAL 3 21 17 11 52 RAL AUB passing
AUB 10 24 14 10 58 total yards 333 373 Pennington, RAL 20/38-240, 3 TD INT
pass C/A-int 20/38-1 23/32-0 Phillips, AUB 23/32-256, 3 TD
first quarter pass yards 240 256 rushing
RAL 33 FG LaTourette rushing 17-93 22-117 Mintz, RAL 17-93, 3 TD
AUB 28 FG Womack fumbles-lost 2--0 1--1 Norman, AUB 22-117, 3 TD
AUB 9 run Norman sacks-yards 2--5 3--14 receiving
second quarter returns-yards 11-139 10-128 Mintz, RAL 3-20, TD
RAL 12 pass Pennington to Hicks penalties-yards 5--15 4--15 Flanders, RAL 4--41
AUB 16 run Norman XP 6*6 7*7 Hicks, RAL 4-41, TD
RAL 25 pass Pennington to Mintz FG 3*4 3*3 Marck, RAL 9-138, TD
AUB 2 pass Phillips to Hasting Norman, AUB 5-29, TD
RAL 7 run Mintz Fergo, AUB 6-76, TD
AUB 26 pass Phillips to Fergo cap. Peterson, AUB 4--51
AUB 40 FG Womack Attendance 12706 20000 Hasting, AUB 8-100, TD
third quarter sacks
RAL 6 run Mintz Mintz, RAL
AUB 3 pass Phillips to Norman Denning, RAL
RAL 37 FG LaTourette Evans, AUB
AUB 12 pass Phillips to Hasting Brown, AUB 2
RAL 5 run Mintz interceptions
fourth quarter Henderson, AUB
RAL 32 pass Pennington to Marck kicking
RAL rouge on kickoff LaTourette, RAL 6/6, 3/4
AUB 7 run Norman Womack, AUB 7/7, 3/3
RAL 40 FG Olodeon
AUB 26 FG Womack